COOKEVILLE, Tenn. - The men's basketball team is back to its
helping ways as several members of the Golden Eagle squad assisted
at the United Methodist Church God's Grace Food Pantry Friday
For two hours, the players on hand helped assist in the loading and unloading of canned foods and other non-perishable foods to be provided to those in need at a later date. The God's Grace Food Pantry serves approximately 250 families each week totaling over 2,000 people per month.
The event marked another in a long line of volunteer and
community service events that the men's basketball team has come to
be known for. In the fall, the team was involved in several
community service events ranging from volunteering as local schools
to hosting children from Mustard Seed Ranch for a day of fun.
The work project was part of a summer Interdisciplinary Studies
course entitled Academic and Community Success. Each student
completed 6 hours of service learning as part of the course.