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Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles

Annual Football Photo Day set for Thursday, Aug. 6 in Tucker Stadium

Annual Football Photo Day set for Thursday, Aug. 6 in Tucker Stadium

Photo Day is free and open to the public

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. - Football fans, families and friends are invited to Tennessee Tech's Tucker Stadium on Thursday, Aug. 6, for the team's annual Photo Day, which will take place on Overall Field from 10 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

The Golden Eagles report to campus Wednesay, Aug. 5, to open fall camp, and will assemble on the field Thursday for the official team photo at 10 a.m. After that, individual and group photos will be taken, and fans are encouraged to meet with the players and coaching staff.

Tech opens the regular season on Ssatuday, Sept. 5, with a game at the University of Houston. The first home game comes two weeks later when the Golden Eagles host Mercer (Sept. 19) at 6 p.m.

Head coach Watson Brown, heading into his ninth season at the Golden Eagle controls, will welcome 95 players to camp.

Season tickets for the 2015 Golden Eagle season are on sale through the Athletics Ticket Office in Eblen Center, or by calling (931) 3720-3940. Tickets may also be purchased online at TTUsports.com.

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