COOKEVILLE, Tenn. -- The Golden Eagle soccer team lent an eager hand Saturday evening to the Northeast Elementary Parent Teach Organization as they helped host a BBQ and Carnival. The event went off without a hitch as purple pride spread throughout the celebration.
The team worked in the booths this year, giving the parents a chance to enjoy the carnival with their children rather than work behind the scenes. The players lead bingo, oversaw bounce houses, participated in a dunk booth and a cakewalk. The carnival also featured a true Southern BBQ.
The proceeds of the dinner and the carnival will go toward new playground equipment for the elementary school. Proceeds will also be put toward a fund for new technology in the classrooms.
The soccer team has spent every spare moment lending a helping hand this season, and they will continue to donate their time Sunday when they will help with raise awareness about diabetes at the Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes.
Check out our facebook page for more photos from today's event!