By Dylan Vazzano, TTU Sports Information Coordinator
COOKEVILLE, Tenn. – The Golden Eagle softball team continued its lengthy list of community service endeavors on Saturday, participating in building a house through Habitat for Humanity. The team rose bright and early on the frigid morning, working hard for over four hours in helping construct the new home.
"We've been working with Habitat for Humanity for many, many years now and have formed a strong working relationship with them which is a very good thing," head coach Bonnie Bynum expressed on Saturday. "Any charity work we do is good for our players. They are so fortunate to not only get a great education, but also play the sport that they love, so for us to give back and give our time is a very good thing. It makes them appreciate things a lot more, especially doing something like Habitat."
The Golden Eagles worked inside and outside the framework of the house, hammering nails into the structure, laying down plywood, digging holes for plumbing, and so much more.
"It's important to work together as a team in helping other people," senior catcher Kendall Hooper claimed. "Some people just aren't as fortunate as we are and helping others has always been a big part of Tech softball."
The day also gave the Golden Eagles an opportunity to bond more as a team with the beginning of the 2014 season not too far off in the distance.
"We still don't know each other to the level we need to for the spring, so getting everyone out here will only bring us closer together and make us a better team," Hooper said.
Working to build a house with Habitat for Humanity continued a strong relationship with the organization this year, as TTU softball had previously participated in the 2013 Habitat for Humanity Mud Run at Cane Creek Park back in late August.