Winner drawn for Iowa Flyaway at final Purple Pride Caravan

Winner drawn for Iowa Flyaway at final Purple Pride Caravan

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. -- Richard Smith of Monterey was all smiles Tuesday afternoon, celebrating the fact that his name was the last one in the box in the drawing for the Iowa Flyaway this weekend. Smith won a trip for two with the Tennessee Tech football team for the Golden Eagles' season opener at the University of Iowa on Saturday, in a month-long contest sponsored by Cookeville Communications and Magic 98.5.

It was the culmination of seven Purple Pride Caravan events held throughout the region in August. Tuesday's final gathering was held at Cookeville Nissan, and a large crowd -- clad in plenty of bright purple -- was on hand for free hot dogs and Pepsi drinks. They got to meet the cheerleaders, dance team, Awaesome Eagle, and some TTU coaches and student-athletes. Members of the women's basketball team served the hot dogs.

Photos from Tuesday's event: